Winter 2022 Newsletter

The Winter 2022 Newsletter Reflects NWEA’s Persistence and Success!

We have taken significant new steps towards cleaning up Puget Sound and polluted waters across Oregon, and continued our effort to reduce pollution to the Rogue River. We also won victories for control of toxic discharges in Washington and Idaho. And we’re seeing the fruits of earlier legal victories such as the progress being made on controlling polluted runoff from farming in Washington.

Of course, that work and what we have planned for 2023 is not possible without your support so, yes, I’m asking that you consider making a year-end tax-deductible contribution.  I know that for some, a financial contribution is not possible, and we welcome your moral support by sign up as a “supporting member” at no charge.  

With your support, I’m looking forward to continuing NWEA’s important work of protecting and improving the waters of the Pacific Northwest in 2023.

Best wishes for 2023
Nina Bell, Executive Director