Winter 2023 Newsletter

The Winter 2023 Newsletter:

A year of both high points and the inevitable frustrations.

It got me to wondering why NWEA has to bring so many lawsuits—when the agencies could just commit to doing what the Clean Water Act requires. That puzzling question applies to a number of NWEA cases against EPA, most of which are roaring into high litigation mode.

These frustrations are offset by knowing that in strengthening the Clean Water Act, we are providing valuable assistance to other organizations—in the Pacific Northwest, nationally, and to Northwest tribes.  High points are when one of our successful lawsuits changes national policy or a federal oversight agency confirms our assessment of the pollution situation in Puget Sound. Most of all, a high point is the support we receive from you.

So, whether it’s behind closed doors, or in the public eye, with the help of our superb legal team we are bringing the change you want—decreasing pollution, restoring salmon habitat, reducing toxics, protecting human health, and seeking to reduce the effects of climate change.

With your support, I’m looking forward to continuing NWEA’s important work of protecting and improving the waters of the Pacific Northwest in 2023.

Best wishes for 2024
Nina Bell, Executive Director