Issue Timely Water Pollution Permits Court tells Oregon

Issue Timely Water Pollution Permits Court tells Oregon

Oregon to issue timely water pollution discharge permits   Water pollution permits in Oregon will now be issued in a timely fashion due to an order signed today by an Oregon court.  The ...
Stalled Plans for Deschutes River Clean-up Brings New Court Action

Stalled Plans for Deschutes River Clean-up Brings New Court Action

Taking the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to court for a second time over stalled plans for cleaning up Washington’s Deschutes River, an environmental group criticized the ...
Bull Trout Exposure to Toxic Pollution Brings Court Action

Bull Trout Exposure to Toxic Pollution Brings Court Action

Threatened bull trout in Oregon are not being adequately protected by federal agencies   Bull trout in Oregon are not being adequately protected from toxic pollutants by federal ...
EPA Forced to Act on Deschutes River Clean-Up Plan

EPA Forced to Act on Deschutes River Clean-Up Plan

NWEA Lawsuit Forces EPA Action on Deschutes River Clean-Up After failing to either approve or disapprove the Deschutes River TMDL clean-up plan developed by Washington Department of Ecology’s  ...
Oregon Beavers Win Reprieve

Oregon Beavers Win Reprieve

In response to a lawsuit threatened by NWEA, Oregon beavers win reprieve from execution by the federal agency known as Wildlife Services. The agency announced a temporary end to the killing in a ...
Lawsuit Challenges EPA’S Stall of Deschutes River Clean-Up Plan

Lawsuit Challenges EPA’S Stall of Deschutes River Clean-Up Plan

Why a Deschutes River Clean-Up Plan? NWEA has challenged the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) unlawful stalling of Washington's Deschutes River clean-up plan. NWEA filed the ...
Groups Act to Protect Beavers to Save Salmon and Frogs

Groups Act to Protect Beavers to Save Salmon and Frogs

Federal fish and wildlife experts agree on the importance of protecting beavers in order to save threatened and endangered species including salmon, steelhead, and the Oregon spotted frog. Yet ...
Cleaning Oregon Rogue River

Cleaning Oregon Rogue River

City of Medford put on notice about sewage discharges to Rogue River Little water creatures can tell us a lot about whether streams and rivers are polluted. For many years, this science of ...
NWEA Petition Seeks Control of Puget Sound Sewage Discharges

NWEA Petition Seeks Control of Puget Sound Sewage Discharges

NWEA has submitted a petition for rulemaking to the Washington Department of Ecology that seeks to control nitrogen pollution from sewage discharges into Puget Sound. The demand for a TMDL ...
Oregon Plan Undermines the Goals of the Clean Water Act

Oregon Plan Undermines the Goals of the Clean Water Act

The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is currently cooking up a plan to largely undermine the goals of the Clean Water Act over the next decade. Given a long menu of work that ...
Court OKs Lawsuit to Protect Puget Sound from Polluted Runoff

Court OKs Lawsuit to Protect Puget Sound from Polluted Runoff

In a big win for NWEA, U.S. District Court Judge John C. Coughenour gave a green light to NWEA’s lawsuit to protect Puget Sound from polluted runoff.  The case is against two federal agencies ...
CGS Nuclear Plant Near Miss

CGS Nuclear Plant Near Miss

The Columbia Generating Station (CGS)—the nuclear reactor previously known as WPPSS No. 2 and located at Hanford, WA—had a near miss in December in 2016. A special inspection team sent in by the ...

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