On April 14 and 18, NWEA joined with citizens groups across the country to file an Emergency Petition with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). The Petition is supported by a highly informative expert declaration by Dr. Arjun Makhijani of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (IEER).

NWEA filed as a potential intervenor in proceedings to consider the application by Energy Northwest (formerly the Washington Public Power Supply System or “WPPSS”) to extend by 20 years its operating license for the Columbia Generating Station (formerly WPPSS No. 2). The Columbia reactor is the sole operating power reactor in the Pacific Northwest.

The Petitioners requested that the Commission act immediately to:

Suspend all decisions on new reactors, license renewals, design certifications, etc. until the U.S. government has evaluated the lessons learned from the Fukushima accident.

Evaluate whether the Fukushima accident represents “significant new information” that the NRC must include in its environmental impact statements.

Conduct a safety analysis of the earthquake and nuclear accident.

Establish procedures for addressing the Fukushima accident in pending licensing proceedings.

Request the President to establish an independent investigation of Fukushima.