Energy and Climate Change

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Our energy use is a major cause of climate change and now we find the earth in crisis.  If we are to make a difference, we need sharp declines in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.The earth’s climate is in crisis. We must achieve sharp declines in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.  It’s essential that we choose the right tools to address climate disruption—to employ solutions that are sustainable and equitable, protecting health, safety, and our fragile environment.


Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency, also known as energy conservation, is our power resource of first choice and, over the years, the Pacific Northwest has become the nation’s leader in energy efficiency.  Today, it’s important that we continue to make energy efficiency the foundation of our energy future to achieve a cool planet without nuclear reactors.


Renewable Energy

For decades, we knew that renewable energy was going to play an important role in our energy future.  Today, we are beginning to see just how important wind and solar are to assuring we have a cool planet without nuclear power.  It’s true that wind and solar alone can not provide all of our energy needs, but advances in both technologies, other renewable resources, and energy storage are bringing us closer to that reality every day.


Climate Action without Nuclear Power

Since its inception, NWEA has sought a future free of nuclear power and radioactive pollution.  Unfortunately, today’s promoters of nuclear power are repeating their past false promises and dressing themselves in the cloak of  “clean” and “carbon-free” power.  They hope that people will forget the nuclear accidents of Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima, and ignore the nuclear fuel cycle’s radioactive waste that will stay deadly for tens of thousands of years.      


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